Classroom with diverse workers gathered around U-M professor.

Workforce Development

Building the future of ev industry talent

Electrifying and Powering Michigan’s Talent Landscape

The Workforce Development pillar at the Electric Vehicle Center (EVC) is poised to ignite an industry-inspired, multi-faceted drive in cultivating a dynamic talent network.

Our aim is to electrify and power forward Michigan’s talent landscape to meet the accelerating currents of today’s workforce demands and effectively gear up for the invaluable demands of the future.

From engineers to technicians to computer occupations and machinery mechanics, the EVC will work to address career paths in highest demand through innovative programming. With an intentional focus on ensuring Michigan’s underserved populations have the appropriate access and resources we are committed to revving up the exponentially growing Electric Vehicle industry by energizing our most valuable resource – our people.

Some Workforce Development Strategies:

  • Foster Industry-Academia Collaboration: Strengthen ties between academic programs and Michigan-based companies to create pathways for future talent in EV and mobility careers, emphasizing hands-on experience and industry relevance.
  • Develop Specialized Workforce Training Programs: Introduce training solutions to address specific industry needs and skill gaps.
  • Ensure Access for Diverse Learning Populations: Offer programs that serve a wide range of learners from diverse backgrounds, ensuring they are equipped with the skills necessary for the evolving EV sector.
  • Current and Future EV Talent: Develop upskilling initiatives for the existing workforce with a forward-thinking approach to talent development, fostering a robust PK-12 pipeline that cultivates the skills and knowledge needed for the future job market.
  • Organizational Transformation: Utilize research and insights into the values of future generations to develop strategies that help companies attract and retain an effective future workforce.

Interested in our Workforce Development plans? Email us anytime at [email protected].